Kilsby Parish Council Meetings

Kilsby Parish Council usually meets on the second Tuesday of every month in Kilsby Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Parishioners are welcome to come along to any of their meetings and can raise issues they wish the Parish Council to be aware of during the first 20 minutes of the meeting.

Please note that the minutes of the meetings are the draft versions. Any corrections made are noted in the minutes of the following meeting when they are signed by the Parish Council Chairman.  

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Parish Council Meetings

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting must be held between 1st March and 1st June.  

This is a meeting for the whole Parish, and is not a Parish Council Meeting, although it is Chaired by the Chairman of the Parish Council.

The Annual Parish Meeting is an opportunity for every organisation in the parish to give a report on what they have done during the previous year, and for the Parish Council, District Councillor and County Councillor to provide a review of their years work on behalf of the electorate.

All members of the parish are welcome to attend. 
Any group wishing to give a report, is asked to provide the Clerk with a written copy to be included as an appendix in the minutes.


Annual Parish Meeting Held 2nd May 2023 

Ward Councillor Report

Youth Club Report

Other Reports 

Draft Minutes 


Annual Parish Meeting Held 3rd May 2022

Minutes and Reports

Kilsby Kronickle Financial Statement and W.I. Report 



Supporting Information


Good Councillors Guide                                                                                                                        Bank Reconciliation - 29th April, 2020 

Policy on Filming and Audio Recording                                                                                                                            Parish Council powers to spend  - ask your council governance toolkit website

 The Parish Council reviewed and re-adopted its polices on 26th May, 2020.